What Happens When Your Home Security Alarms Go Off In Hartford?
A security system is designed to protect your home. But what actually transpires if your home security alarms go off in Hartford? What are the right steps to take to be certain you and your family are secure?
The most important first step is to avoid panicking. You should understand that your 24/7 monitoring specialists are there for you. Then follow these steps to be fully equipped to handle any crisis at your property.
Our 24-Hour Specialists Help You Stay Safe
A security monitoring representative is instantly notified whenever your Hartford home security alarms go off. When an agent is notified, they will call you n a hurry to figure out what set off the security system. Your system will go off in various situations, including:
Criminal activity
Accidentally setting off alarm
In circumstances when the alarm was tripped accidentally—like not recalling that the motion sensors are turned on when you unlock a door— an agent will contact you and figure out if assistance is required. Supply them with your predetermined password, and they will deactivate the alarm.
In a true emergency, your representative will send out your local emergency services, including firefighters, EMS, and law enforcement, to your home. They can also act as the point of contact when nobody is home. The monitoring agent can also inform authorities which entry sensor was triggered, increasing their preparedness for what might be a dangerous situation. Then the agent will maintain a connection with you to help you stay composed and inform you what to do next.
Steps to Take if Your Alarm Goes Off In Hartford
Getting roused from bed in the wee hours of the morning to an alarm blaring is understandably frightening—especially if you have no idea why it’s going off. The most important thing to do is keep yourself in control and follow these steps:
First, find a safe location. Round up your loved ones in an expeditious manner and relocate to a protected area in the house or depart the home if needed. It's a common tendency to feel like you need to deal with the problem on your own, but this may put you and your family at greater risk. Instead, put a priority on attempting to keep yourself and your family safe and let the trained personnel deal with the problem.
As a second step, take advantage of your smartphone’s convenient security app to stay in communication with your monitoring team. They'll notify emergency professionals who will be in transit to your home in a matter of moments.
Finally, keep in close contact with your monitoring agent and emergency professionals. You have the ability to be conferenced in, so everyone is talking together. Conversely, if you’re not able to be in direct contact with authorities, you can still receive alerts through text messages. Even if it’s only a false alarm, it's a good idea to keep adequately communicating with everyone involved so you will be ready should an actual problem take place.
Get Protection For All Security Risks in Hartford with Secure24 Alarm Systems
From burglary attempts to flooding, Secure24 Alarm Systems takes pride in ensuring you and your family are well defended. With 24-hour monitoring, smart locks, and a range of sensors, your home will become the secure environment you intended it to be. Create a comprehensive home security plan by filling out the form below or reach out to (860) 288-4370 to take the first step toward a secure property.